Billa Baasha

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Unibroue 17 Grande Réserve - 2017

Brewed by:
Quebec, Canada
Style: Belgian Strong Dark Ale
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 10.00%
Availability: Winter

Notes / Commercial Description:
This French oak aged, bottle refermented dark ale has a remarkable and complex flavor profile.

Appearance - A dark mahogany brown pour. Light ruby red around the edges. Head is creamy off-white head leaves a significant amount of lacing.

Aroma - Oakiness, dark fruits and maybe some vanilla from the oak. A little bit  Barnyard funk and traces of dark chocolate.

Taste - Figs, dates, raisins and bit of vanilla. There is a super long sweet dark fruity aftertaste with a long dark fruity and somewhat sticky finish. On the palate, it sits about a medium to heavy on the body.

Overall it is a medium to full bodied and highly carbonated Belgian dark ale that is easy to drink even with 10% ABV. A great candidate for aging.