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Cheeky Bastard | Nickel Brook Brewing Co

Cheeky Bastard | Nickel Brook Brewing Co

Brewed by:
Nickel Brook Brewing Co.
Ontario, Canada
Style: American Stout
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 4.50%
Availability: Year-round

Appearance - Dark brown yield with a dark reddish foam and a decent retention. Head fades to a faint wisp and clings to the glass.

Aroma - Roasted coffee and hints of burnt oak.

Taste - Toasted bread and oats, together with roasted malt-derived notes of mocha coffee and baker's chocolate, comprise the main bulk of the flavour profile. Hints of vanilla are occasionally apparent.

It definitely lacks the intensity of its big brother (Bolshevik Bastard), but makes up for that deficiency by being much more sessionable and affordable.

Hennepin | Brewery Ommegang

Hennepin | Brewery Ommegang

Cuvée Van De Keizer Rood (Red) | Brouwerij Het Anker

Cuvée Van De Keizer Rood (Red) | Brouwerij Het Anker