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La Trappe - Trippel

La Trappe - Trippel

Look: Deep orange colour with 2 figner white head that fades quickly. Decent lacing.

Smell: Apple and banana and yeast funk . Brown sugar, Belgian yeast and spices, slight hop bitterness. Tastes of caramel and candied sugar

Taste: There's a significant bitterness that nicely counters the sweet, estery character. Fruity esters (apples and banana) take the lead and eventually give way to soft, grainy malts as well as floral, earthy hops. Some candied sugar, honey, and a faint caramel note closer to the end. Low peppery phenols and some alcohol. The finish is long with moderate intensity and definitely leans towards bitter. 

Feel: Medium body with high carbonation. Prickly and drying with very low alcohol warming. Effervescent. Very pleasant and contributes to a great drinking experience.

Overall: An excellent trappist tripel from the Netherlands. Very well-balanced, complex, and layered. High drinkability for the high ABV which is deceivingly hidden. 

De Koningshoeven Brewery (Brouwerij de Koningshoeven) is a Dutch Trappist brewery founded in 1884 within the walls of Koningshoeven Abbey (Abdij Onze Lieve Vrouw van Koningshoeven) in Berkel-Enschot (near Tilburg).

St.Bernardus Brewery

St.Bernardus Brewery

