Billa Baasha

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Watou Tripel

Brewed by: 
Brouwerij St. Bernardus NV 

 Style: Tripel 
Alcohol by volume (ABV): 7.50% 


Appearance:  Foamy white color, thin and fades quickly to a thin covering with little lacing. The body is golden tan in color and has a hazy appearance with lots of tan colored yeast sediment floating in it.

Smell: A yeasty, fruity, and spicy Belgian aroma with good hints of citrus and spice. Belgian yeast with hints of clove, pepper, and funk. Lots of fruit esters with hints of banana, apple, pear, and white grape along with citrus hints of orange and lemon zest. Hints of Belgian candied sugar.

Taste: Like the aroma hints, a fruity, yeasty, and spicy Belgian taste with big notes of zesty fruit and spice. Belgian yeast with some upfront notes of clove, funk, and pepper. Classic Belgian fruit flavors of banana, pear, white grapes, and green apple. Zesty citrus fruit notes of lemon and orange.

Mouth feel: Medium to full bodied with a carbonation level on the heavier side of medium. Juicy, spicy, and drying on the finish.